The beauty of Mountainlands was once again appreciated by cyclists who participated in the MTN Barberton Mountain bike Challenge. The second leg of the national mountain bike circuit kicked off on Saturday, 30 January 2010 in Barberton with 1506 entries. It consisted of a 130km ultra-marathon, 75km and 45km runs and a 10km fun run. Apart from the fun run, participants were racing it out on district and plantation roads and rough tracks through the Makhonjwa Mountains. The return journey passed through the south west of Mountainlands.
As the event is held in summer, bikers can expect all kinds of weather. This year the light rain, mist and cool wind brought a relief from sweltering heat. However the trail was like custard on steroids in certain areas, testing the skills of the participants. This is the second year that the route traversed a small part of the reserve. The participants experienced an area that is only accessible and rideable for the one day event. Next year’s challenge will also be held during the last weekend of January.