Seed heads and yellow daisies shimmer above the grassland like a gauzy layer and a tinktinkie chips away at the distance. Hyslop’s Creek whispers in curve of lush riverine bush laid like a ribbon between rolling hills and a steeper ridge. A sunbird darts into Waterberry foliage; grasshoppers skritch on the edge of hearing, and swallows and martins skim the sea of grass.
To the north an exuberant crumple of wooded valleys draw the eye to a hidden distance. A breath of Acacia blossom invokes the excitement of early prospectors.
Savanna site lies against the upper reaches of Hyslop’s Creek, a tiny perennial mountain stream that nourishes a winding strip of riverine forest. The wooded stream bounds the building site to the west in a shallow, gently north trending valley. The site is more open to the east with a mid-distance view of the wooded slopes of the Dycedale Ridge to the north. Behind the site, the lower slopes of the Saddleback Range rise steeply in folds of mountain grassland, rocky ridges and high hanging patches of forest, the home of mountain reedbuck, baboons and francolin.
The stream-bank site is north facing in tall grass savannah. Located at the boundary of the north-east mountain sourveld and the mixed bushveld of the valley bottom, the foreground is dotted with Acacias (Corky-bark Thorn A. davyii and Sweet zthorn, A. karroo). It also features bush clumps centred around mountain flame trees (Erythrina), Wild Lavender, Waterberry and the odd cluster fig. These savannah plains are the most productive habitat in Mountainlands, frequented by zebra, impala and wildebeest.
The building footprint is curved to fit into the wooded stream bank and may extend over it. Here Waterberry, Wild Plum and Matumi trees provide evergreen shade, home for black sunbirds, purple turaco and other forest birds commuting up and down the gradient. The site may only be accessed from the north, either along a direct frontal route following the contour of the stream, or higher up to the east to circle in from behind.
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