As part of a campaign highlighting those who work behind the scenes on heritage projects in South Africa, the sportswear company, Hi-Tec, zoomed in on Nico Oosthuizen and Mark Ngwenyama. They were part of the team behind the Barberton Makhonjwa Mountains World Heritage Site.
Hi-Tec aptly wrote on their website:
“They have accomplished much together and each refuses to work without the other. Over many years they have committed to the cause and achieved what seemed impossible.
The Barberton Geotrail is just one of their achievements. It’s a tale of community collaboration and teamwork across a massive group of stakeholders. It’s also a bloody good idea and a tremendously interesting 32km drive. 11 stops along the way help unravel the story of these incredible mountains, and how their story in turn tells the tale of the origins of the earth and of life itself.
There’s the stuff of epics in the ancient rocks – evidence of tides beginning (and therefore a moon being formed), and the first lifeforms visible with the naked eye. It’s the story of our planet, packaged as a day outing with beautiful views. There’s nothing like it. More than 3,200,000,000 years ago this story took place, and that’s just the starting point of this head-haemorrhaging story.”
Below follows the link to the Youtube video.