Recce by Botsoc members

During summer the mountains come alive with a spectacle of colourful flowers. More so with Mountainlands sitting in the Barberton Centre of Plant Endemism (BCPE) and being blessed with several vegetation types, microclimates, altitude levels and summer rainfall.

This is also a good time to admire the plants as more than 2000 species occur in the BCPE. Last week members of the Lowveld branch of the Botanical Society of South Africa went on a recce to work out the route and time schedule for an excursion they plan for their members on Sunday, 9 November 2014. They last visited the reserve in January 2012 and the November visit being earlier in summer will ensure different plants are in bloom.

The route will allow ample time and places to stop and look at plants and there may also be sightings of wildlife.

As Botsoc member Jeanette Curling (left on photo) said: “The environment is so beautiful that even just being out here is worth it”. Fellow Botsoc members and avid photographers John and Sharon McLaren added: “We are in awe and the reserve is beyond our expectations.” The Botanical Society champions the conservation of indigenous plants through various activities and educational programmes. For more information about their activities and how to become a member, visit

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