PRICE : R 9 000 000 – Full title, serviced land;  Including VAT and transfer costs

This is a site for the insatiably romantic, eternal adrenaline junkie. Here, you need to be able to afford seriously creative design and construction. Like a rock climber’s bivouac, you will want to be anchored safely to the precipice but as invisible as a family of sunbathing dassies. Your 300° view overlooks a hidden valley, unseen by anyone but yourself. You are often with the birds among the clouds, only just low enough to hear your very own forested mountain stream whispering past the base of your cliff-side home. Get there if you can!

Views from “The Perch”. From left: The secluded valley to the south-east; view to the north over a sheer drop.

This site is spectacularly unusual. It is perched almost impossibly on the spine of a high rocky ridge, a splintered dyke of Archaean banded chert, descending from a grassy peak towards the west. Near-vertical, the site looks out over a forested mountain stream that cuts through the dyke at right angles, some fifty meters below.

From left: Evidence of a fossilised hot spring found on the site. View from the site back to the south. View over the front of the north facing cliff towards the west.

The foreground is fresh air, the realm of eagles, rock pigeons and red winged starlings. The ridge is narrow like a notched dragon’s back dotted with hardy Stamvrug and Cussonia trees rooted in crevices. The surrounding slopes are all montane grassland with pristine forested kloofs. The building site is located at a prominent notch in the ridge where a pylon & strut, deck-based construction may be fitted in without breaking the skyline. The spaces allow for a two lobed structure, one facing north, over a very long drop into the forest canopy below and the other facing south overlooking the hidden valley that extends above to the peaks of the Wonderscheur ridge.

Eagles_0010The view is varied and breath-taking. It extends to the distant granite domes above Nelspruit to the north and the imposing bulk of Saddleback Mountain to the south. The footprint extends narrowly along the ridge with an extension towards the south-west to provide access for vehicles and services.

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