These opportunities together with the eighteen Private Sites already under development can comfortably be accommodated on the reserve without any risk of interference and establish a very low density factor for development of the reserve. The commercial opportunities include:
- Medium to large scale commercial lodge (40-50 bed) in the eastern sector of the reserve.
- Small scale boutique lodge (8-12 beds) in the central part of the reserve.
- Two small bush camps or fly camps in the central and northern sectors possibly linked to specialist guided tours.
- Historical themed medium scale facility in the northern sector based on the pioneering history of the Eureka City and Edwin Bray areas, possibly situated adjacent to the reserve.
- Specialist guided 4×4 tours focusing on the unique geology and biodiversity utilising the two small fly camps.
- Guided overnight wilderness hikes or horse trails with strong educational/interpretive slant utilising the two small fly camps.
It should be noted that while these opportunities have been identified from a zoning and environmental sustainability perspective, very little further work has been done to package and develop them. The further planning of the opportunities is currently underway. Operation is anticipated to vary from concessions through build-operate-transfer (BOT) to ownership based depending on location, land ownership and community involvement. Further, depending on interpretation, combination of the identified opportunities and market requirements, not all above facilities will necessarily be implemented.
While this is not a request for proposals, interested parties are invited to express their interest with a view to further discussion and development of the concepts.
See also Reserve Development…