News & Views The latest news & information on the reserve and the area. The plains are alive with Vachellia karrooFlying ants for supperCounting butterfliesLichens – more than the sum of their partsTwo more giraffes found new home on MountainlandsMountainlands welcomes the Kilbride familyA snapshot of Mountainlands fungi and mushroomsMountainlands welcomes new giraffesNew big game bomasTowards a better understanding of threatened aloes and their pollinatorsBirds fly when you are having funLooking for an orchid pollinatorWhat pollinates the world’s smallest aloe?Tephrosia monticola found on Mountainlands.Botanists describe new Cyphia species from Barberton Centre of EndemismKalanchoe deliae, a new plant species described from the Barberton areaStudent returns for ongoing pollination studyCongratulations team HamerkopLandshells in an ancient landSnails having escargot