Lazy, hot summer days, on Mountainlands have received an injection of energy with easy access to a waterfall and deep pool to swim in to your heart’s content. Hyslop’s and Figtree Creeks are two streams with a numerous waterfalls and pools and thanks to the higher elevation of these, there are no crocodiles nor bilharzia in the upper reaches. The water is crystal clear and comes from fountains higher up in the reserve. This makes it ideal to swim in, and wonderfully refreshing in summer.
Up to now, one had to hike quite a distance and climb down into the valleys to reach a proper “wallow pit”. However, a footpath has been opened to a easily access a waterfall and large pool in the Figtree Creek. It is now only a short walk down from one of the main roads. “Children especially want to splash around in the water and we have identified a couple of spots that are within easy reach where you can go for a dip. With the addition of this last one there are now three nice pools within easy reach on the Wonderscheur loop.” adds Eric Oosthuizen, developer of Mountainlands Estate.
Triple the amount of fun: water in the Figtree Creek splits into three waterfalls and the pool is a good size for a quick dip in summer.
Hanno Rottier says:
Eric how do I reach these pools? Which road do I take and how far are these pools from the closest site or the footpaths leading to these pools?
Delia Oosthuizen says:
Hanno. The best way to find these pools are to head down the footpath into the Wonderscheur for approximately a kilometre or so. After crossing the second small stream you turn immediately left and follow the track across the main river on the footpath that will lead you to the waterfall. This sound more simple than it actually is if you have not been down the Wonderscheur before. Nico and I will happily show you when you visit again.